Monday, October 10, 2011

Book Character Day and Exciting News!

For all the new parents to Arbor Heights Elementary, here is a brief explanation about Book Character Day.  We do not celebrate Halloween at AH.  We have a tradition known as Book Character Day, where students will dress up as a book character and bring the book with them.  Book Character Day is on October 28th.  Students will not dress up until the afternoon.  We will also have a book character celebration that afternoon in Room 1!  You are more than welcome to join us!  More information will be provided. Tomorrow is our last day of MAP testing, wahoo!

Another great news I have is I am getting over $1000 of materials for Literacy and Math, thanks to Donors Choose and the Gates Foundation.  I have been running around to different Starbucks asking for the $10 gift card for Donors Choose, which started last week.  Most Starbucks ran out already.  Luckily for me, I had several employees give me an entire stack of them so I was able to fund 3 of my own projects! Wahoo!! I am so excited!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's awesome!!! Thank you for putting so much time and effort to help our kids!

    Also, great to know about the Character Day. I was wondering if we were doing costumes for Halloween or not. I bet Emma will want to be Laura from Little House on the Prairie!
